My Story
November 3rd, 2017

We all have a story that makes us who we are… and this one is mine!
I thought I knew who I was until everything came crashing down and forced me to stop, breath and re-evaluate my entire life.
I was that girl who spoke a mile a minute (still do but SLOWLY learning to tone it down…baby steps I’m not perfect). I was running with my head cut off, I had a full time event child care business and also worked a part-time job that I used to love but wasn’t passionate about anymore.
I was in denial, I was stressed out, not happy with my life, felt confused and didn’t know how to change it. I chose to ignore every sign that I was given that my body needed a BREAK.
I was slowly falling apart BUT I kept on going until my body collapsed and basically told me “I’m making you stop NOW”. I had NO choice but to stop, I was covered with red rashes, blood, ooze and skin peeling. For the first time in 33 years I had to STOP, learn to rely on others for help, learn to say NO without feeling bad to the things or people that didn’t serve me and learn to say YES to the things that fulfilled me. Lastly, I had to learn to let go of control…the worst thing EVER for a control freak like myself!
I’m a work in progress, I’m NOT perfect and I may fall several times BUT I choose to learn from my mistakes and pick myself up when I fall and just keep going!
I want to share my story and let others know that they are NOT alone! We all have a struggle whether it’s our health, personal tragedy or family/relationship issues. You have a CHOICE on how you choose to react to what you have been dealt with. You can choose to LIVE and walk with your head up high or you can CHOOSE to be the victim and not change your life. So what do you chose???
I chose LIFE! I’m on a mission to live my best life and heal from the inside out. I also want to figure out exactly what I have, that missing piece to the puzzle that just won’t allow me to fully heal and hopefully along the way help others struggling too because I bet I’m not alone!
I want and believe that I WILL be healthy again and be able to eat the food I LOVE without reacting to it. Did I mention that I’m allergic to everything, I can eat about 10 to 12 foods?! Oh to eat a donut, pizza and pasta again!
I also believe that one day soon I will be able to work again and have a job that I love and be able to give back by helping others in NEED! I will continue to travel and explore different countries like I used to and start dating again…Now REALLY am I asking for a lot? NOPE!!!
I want to provide awareness on the different types of chronic health illnesses that exist, that others may have never heard. I also want to spread the word about RED SKIN SYNDROME (RSS/TSW) and the side effects of using topical steroids for a prolonged period of time.
If I didn’t listen to my gut, I would be dead or bedridden now. Please listen to your intuition and be your own health advocate, NO ONE knows your body better than you do…and NO it’s NOT all in your head! It’s freakin REAL, listen to the signs that are all around you.
My health journey is a very LONG and complicated one and I will do my best to explain my story without boring and or confusing you (trust me I’m still confused). So, stay tuned for part one of my journey.
Much love and gratitude,